Principal Commitments & Data Summary from Human Capital Essentials Training

In December, Ohio launched its first round of one-day Human Capital Essentials for Principals and received very positive feedbackAccording to the feedback survey, 100% of respondents found the learning valuable.* Nearly all also agreed or strongly agreed with following the statements: 

  • I understand the importance of employee engagement and learned strategies to foster engagement with my staff.  ​(97.9% agreed or strongly agreed) 

  • I learned strategies to enhance our hiring practices and ways to minimize biases that impact decisions. (94% agreed or strongly agreed) 

  • I understand how to develop communication skills that support recruitment and the organization’s brand.  ​​(95.9.% agreed or strongly agreed) 

  • The tools shared equip me to promote practices that yield a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. ​​(85.7.% agreed or strongly agreed) 

*Feedback consisted of an 80.3% response rate of the total attendees.  


Participants also felt prepared to continue this work back at their districts (97.9% agreed or strongly agreed). A sampling of their ideas for next steps include: 

  • Discuss and align our expectations of what we want from candidates. 

  • Facilitate communication activities with staff – provide them the opportunity to identify and promote the reasons why someone would want to work for our school. 

  • Develop our interview team and enhance our processes to create a more reliable and valid hiring system. 

  • Create look fors/scoring rubric for our interview questions.  

  • Incorporate a writing sample as part of the hiring process. Consider additional quantifiable measures. 

  • Integrate more relationship building within our new staff orientation processes – cohort approach when possible, assign a buddy, scavenger hunt, etc.   

  • Create more growth and impact opportunities for staff.  

  • Recognize staff on a more regular and personal basis.   

  • Develop a plan of action for increasing employee engagement and annually measure.  


Ohio is committed to developing human capital expertise. To register for an upcoming learning opportunity, visit